
This page collects achievements and recommendations made by the Parity-Equality Committee. In most cases these are recommendations made to Inria’s general management, which (after possible adjustments and arbitrations) decides whether or not to use this material in the governance of the institute.


Recommendations on the feminisation of Inria texts

The recommendations made by the committee to Inria general management in 2017 served as the basis for the Inria note of January 2018 (pdf, French).

The three documents below that accompanied these recommendations may serve as examples for the feminisation of official notes.

HR guidelines on for the PEDR: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 (pdf, French).

Recommendations on conferences

Here is a list of good practices for event organisation based on recommendations made by the committee in 2015 (pdf, French).


Bias in recruitment campaigns: information and recommendations

Some slides (pdf, French) outlining the issues analyzed by the working group, identifying biases to avoid and ways to take action. The working group also formulated some advice (pdf, English; see also the French version) to limit involuntary bias during recruitment and promotion processes.

Recommendations without stereotypes for CR/DR competitions and promotions

External references for promotions and CR/DR competitions are now requested to upload their recommendation letters via a new online portal. In the email sent to them explaining how to do this, the following bilingual note has been added on the initiative of the committee:

dans le cadre de la politique parité et égalité des chances d’Inria (cf. Charte-parité-et-égalité-des-chances), nous vous encourageons à lire le document Conseils pour limiter les préjugés involontaires lors des processus de recrutement et de promotion (pdf, French) qui détaille différents conseils permettant de limiter les stéréotypes dans les avis relatifs aux chercheurs et aux chercheuses.

Updating the dossier for CR/DR competitions and promotions

After our committee’s work with Human Resources and Inria’s Evaluation Commission, a number of updates have been made to the template dossier for candidates in CR/DR competitions and promotions in order to make it gender-balanced. In particular, a special section on career interruptions has been introduced in order to permit a better consideration of maternity leave in the careers of candidates.

Auditions by videoconference possible starting in 2017

The ministry has expressed willingness to allow auditions of candidates for EPST competitions by videoconference, where necessary. The process has recently been validated at Inria, thanks to the work of the committee in collaboration with our colleagues in the Evaluation Commission and Human Resources. The procedure is posted on the competition website (open each year during the competition period).

Guidelines for various competitions

We propose that the guidelines for recruitment juries adopt neutral language. For example, “leadership” is a term in which men seem to recognise themselves more often than women do, and this can create a bias in a jury. More neutral expressions, like “ability to animate” or “ability to bring together”, could be used in its place.

Increasing the number of female candidates in CRCN/ISFP competitions

We believe that increasing the proportion of female PhD students at Inria may increase the proportion of female candidates in the CR competition. We therefore propose to reserve some national Inria PhD scholarships (CORDI-S) and postdocs for women. The criteria of gender for these CORDI-S scholarships could take the place of the existing mobility criteria. The scholarships could be named “Ada Lovelace scholarships” to identify them more clearly. This would represent a strong symbol of Inria’s engagement in favour of women.

Parity and equal opportunity

This charter is intended to draw the attention of members of recruitment and promotion juries to parity and equal opportunity issues concerning the candidates. It explains points where vigilance is required, and how to put this into practice in a jury examining career-related issues (recruitment, promotions, and bonuses).

PDFs: French and English


LGBTQI+ charter

The recommendations (pdf, French) made by the committee to Inria’s General Management in January 2021 have served as the basis of Inria’s note on LGBTI+ inclusivity (pdf, French).

Les recommandations (docx) qui ont été faites par le comité à la Direction Générale d’Inria en Janvier 2021 ont servi de base à la note Inria pour l’inclusion de personnes LGBTI+.

Practical guide: changing your forename at Inria

This guide (French, pdf), based on feedback from several people, lists existing practices on how we can (and cannot) use a chosen forename within Inria and its tools.

List of recommendations of the committee

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