Working groups


This working group aims to address highly diverse questions on internal and external communication. These include: the committee’s website, the choice of channels for disseminating the committee’s actions, developing new recommendations for egalitarian communication taking disabilities into account, and creating a parity library.

Members: Catherine Bonnet (leader), Ilaria Castellani, Clémence Frioux, Marie-Laetitia Gambié, Olivier Gladin, Céline Grandmond, Steve Kremer

Former members: Serge Abiteboul, Catherine Bonnet, Ilaria Castellani, Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Florian Dufour, Fabienne Elbar, Marie-Agnès Enard, Céline Grandmont, Laetitia Grimaldi, Pascal Guitton, Juliette Leblond, Julie Mouzet, Charles Renou, Nathalie Revol, Antoine Rousseau, Nicolas Roussel


The Recruitment working group works on extending best practices for parity and equality to all of the recruitment and promotion campaigns across Inria, including ITA, CPJ, the various concours, postdocs, fixed-term contracts for engineers. It also leads reflections on possible means to attract more female candidates to the institute.

Members: Catherine Bonnet (leader), Ilaria Castellani, Olivier Gladin, Céline Grandmont, Benjamin Guedj, Steve Kremer, Juliette Leblond, Roger Pissard-Gibollet, Sylvain Salvati, Benjamin Smith

Former members: Hugues Berry, Ilaria Castellani, Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Céline Grandmont, Yohan Michel, Antoine Rousseau, Nicolas Roussel, Anne Siegel

Aid for returns to work after leaves of absence (maternity, illness, care)

This working group is dedicated to identifying actions to be put in place to help all staff returning to work after a long absence (after maternity or sick leave, or as a carer, for example). It continues the work of the Parenting and work-life balance working group (see below) by working on updates to the 2018 parents’ guide.

Members: Catherine Bonnet, Delphine Charbonneau, Laércio Pilla Lima (leader), Aurore Poirier, Elise Taillant, Mélanie Raimbault

LGBTQI+ inclusivity

This working group was created to conduct discussions leading to the drafting of a LGBTQI+ charter, as well as the deployment of awareness and training actions for Inria staff. It also considers the question of LGBTQI+ visibility in the institute.

Members: Nathalie Bertrand, Dominique Chapelle, Caroline Collange, Andreas Enge, Laetitia Grimaldi, Steve Kremer (responsable), Juliette Leblond, Aurore Poirier, Benjamin Smith, Mélanie Raimbault, Nathalie Revol, Elise Taillant

Former members: Audrey Fronton, Lauréline Nevin

The struggle against sexual and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination

The objective of this working group is to propose concrete measures aimed at comating sexual and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. Its scope is broad, including (for example) awareness and training of staff and committees, and improving support for victims.

Members: Francis Bach, Catherine Bonnet, Clémence Frioux, Céline Grandmont (leader), Benjamin Guedj, Laércio Pilla Lima, Sylvain Salvati


This working group focuses on the national deployment of the mentoring program first put in place in Rennes, then taken up and experimentally enriched in Lille and Saclay.

Members: Enora Denimal, Céline Grandmont, Steve Kremer, Jing-Rebecca LI (leader)

Inclusive working environment

This working group aims to collect the numerous requests from staff in Inria centres on questions of parity and equality in the the context of “living well together”; to identify good practices; and to create unified proposals, ideally to be deployed across all Inria centres.

Members: Enora Denimal, Clémence Frioux (leader), Olivier Gladin, Juliette Leblond, Laércio Pilla Lima, Aurore Poirier, Mélanie Raimbault, Nathalie Revol, Benjamin Smith, Elise Taillant

Diagnosis and evolution

This working group is responsible for providing a comprehensive overview of the current situation of Inria with respect to parity and equal opportunity, as well as providing regular progress reports.

Members: Liliana Cucu-Grosjean (leader), Enora Denimal, Jing-Rebecca LI

Former members: Ilaria Castellani, Pascale Charpin, Christine Einsebeis, Céline Grandmont, Juliette Leblond, Nicolas Roussel

International profiles

This working group is dedicated to a better consideration of international profiles. This includes further improving equal-opportunity aspects in recruitment for people who have studied internationally. It also includes promoting easier integration, on all levels in the institute, for any person arriving from abroad (including contractual workers and visitors).

Members: Francis Bach, Natalia Bielova, Catherine Bonnet (leader), Ilaria Castellani, Benjamin Guedj, Jing-Rebecca LI, Laércio Pilla Lima, Benjamin Smith

Former members: Emmanuel Baccelli, Valerie Berthou, Anke Brock, Aline Carneiro Viana, Steve Oudot

Parenting and work-life balance

This working group aims to identify and eliminate discriminating factors, by laying the foundations for an environment favorable to our parenting colleagues within Inria. This group developed the Guide des Parents (2018), and is currently on standby.

Former members: Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Liliana Cucu-Grosjean, Florian Dufour, Fabienne Elbar, Nicolas Jahier, Yohan Michel, Julie Mouzet, Laércio Pilla Lima, Didier Roy

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