Découvrez l’interview de Liliana et Serge sur le site Inria qui présente l’activité du comité et met à l’honneur l’engagement de chacun et les actions en cours.
Découvrez l’interview de Liliana et Serge sur le site Inria qui présente l’activité du comité et met à l’honneur l’engagement de chacun et les actions en cours.
L’an dernier, Binaire se demandait où sont les femmes : on le sait, bien trop peu de jeunes filles choisissent les sciences [1], en particulier l’informatique et les mathématiques. On le constate, on le déplore, on travaille à les encourager, les motiver, les convaincre. Certaines finissent par s’y lancer. Quelles carrières se présentent alors à cette minorité aventurière ? Est ce qu’on la chouchoute ou continuons-nous tranquillement à nous engluer dans les stéréotypes tenaces concernant les femmes et les sciences ? Où en est-on 40 ans après l’officialisation des Nations Unies de célébrer les droits des femmes chaque année le 8 mars ? Serge Abiteboul
Découvrez l’intégralité de l’article dans le blog binaire signé d’Anne-Marie Kermarrec
The importance of quality mentorships is one of eight key recommendations in a new Luskin Center for Innovation report about strategies for increasing diversity and retaining women in high-tech careers.
The Luskin Center report, “What Are We Missing? Rethinking Public, Private and Nonprofit Strategies to Advance Women in Technology,” is a compilation of feedback from those who attended the April 2015 Women in Tech conference at UCLA and a review of salient literature. The Luskin Center is part of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs.
2016 Edition
« Developing the Careers of Female Faculty »
presented by Informatics Europe
Sponsored by Google
Informatics Europe proudly announces the first Minerva Informatics Equality Award devoted to initiatives which seek to encourage and support the careers of women in Informatics research and education.
The first of this annual award will be made in October 2016 and will be sponsored by Google.
The Informatics Europe Minerva Informatics Equality Award recognizes best practices in Departments or Faculties of European universities or research labs that have been demonstrated to have a positive impact for women.
On a three-year cycle the award will focus each year on a different stage of the career pipeline:
The 2016 Award is devoted to gender equality initiatives and policies to develop the careers of female faculty.
The Award seeks to celebrate successful initiatives that have had a measurable impact on the careers of women within the institution. Such initiatives can serve as exemplars of best practices within the community, with the potential to be widely adopted by other institutions. Nominations will need to demonstrate the impact that has been achieved. For 2016 examples of impact could include an improved success rate in recruiting, retaining and promoting female staff, increased satisfaction scores from objective surveys of staff experience, achievement of “beacon†status (i.e. being used as an exemplar within national or regional initiatives).
This Google-sponsored Award carries a prize of EUR 5,000.
The Award will be given to a Department or Faculty to be used for further work on promoting gender equality. To be eligible, nominated institutions must be located in one of the member or candidate member countries of the Council of Europe, or Israel. Institutions associated with members of the Informatics Europe Board and of the Award panel are not eligible. The Award panel will review and evaluate each proposal. It reserves the right to split the prize between at most two different proposals. Moreover, noteworthy runners up may also be included as exemplars of best practice in future Informatics Europe publications.
Proposals should be submitted only at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=miea2016
The proposal should include:
The Award will be presented at the 12th European Computer Science Summit (ECSS), in Budapest, October 24-26, 2016, where a representative of the winning institution will be invited to give a talk on their achievements.
Award Panel:
Further inquiries: