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A guide and new support aimed at parents
This booklet summarises all applicable rights: those that come under the jurisdiction of French public service regulations, and those more specifically proposed by Inria or Agos (Inria Works Council).
It provides information on all of the steps to take during and after pregnancy or adoption, but also on all support and schemes from which Inria staff may benefit when the baby arrives and over the following years: childcare, child illness or disability, start of the new school year, etc
Download the guide GUIDE PARENTS english
For further information : Intranet Inria
(Français) Février 2018 – Position d’Inria en matière d’écriture paritaire
(Français) Dec. 2017 – Inria, 1er établissement de recherche à signer la convention d’engagement pour une communication publique sans stéréotype de sexe
Good practices
The Inria Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities Committee wishes to sensitize the organizers or participants to events on the importance of gender equality within the events on which Inria is positioned. Some international conferences already offer charters of good practice such as ACM CHI.
Here is a short message that we broadcast on the different platforms within Inria:
You organize or participate in an event for scientists, industrialists, or any other public. Check as early as possible that your event does not show under-representation of women in the organization (guest lectures, round tables, participation in program committees, session presidency, etc.). If you detect such under-representation, or if you have any questions about this, please do not hesitate to contact Committee on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities :